Antidepressants and Suicide
Antidepressants and Suicide
Today, I want to give you the opportunity to grab a free ebook from one of the most interesting and respected authorities on women’s health, Dr. Kelly Brogan. The ebook is titled, “Change Your Food, Heal Your Mood”, which is exactly what I did! I really want you to get this as it has great information you need to have now!
Dr. Brogan, once a devout allopathic doctor, has come to the functional medicine side of treating her patients as she now realizes drugs treat symptoms, not the whole person. Prescribing antidepressant drug in the hope of alleviating symptoms leads to more symptoms as a result of the side effects of the drugs, and the patient does not get better; symptoms are merely suppressed. This is good for big pharma, but not good for the suffering patient.
The second focus of my writing today is Dr. Brogan’s most recent post on the studies indicating prescription anti-depressants increase the risk of suicide. Here is a very powerful excerpt from her post:
” …the evidence reveals some inconvenient truths, demonstrating that antidepressants actually increase the risk of suicide. Furthermore, just as the serotonin model of depression has never been scientifically validated, there is no evidence that antidepressants meaningfully and statistically significantly resolve depression – but, instead, we are confronting a growing signal of harm, including live-streamed suicides and school shootings committed by those recently prescribed. And a new study from Sweden that examines antidepressants in the context of suicide suggests that antidepressants are pushing people towards, not away from, suicide.”
Here’s the link to the post as I know, if depression is an issue for you or for anyone you know, you will want to read this.
Please grab Dr. Brogan’s free ebook. It’s important information everyone should have!
Helping You Be Your Best You!
Cheryl A Major, CNWC
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