Natural Depression Help
Being a recovering depressed person, I’ve read and researched a ton about natural depression help and how to improve my mental health and my mood naturally. Full disclosure, I was on and off antidepressants for years including prosac, zoloft and paxil before I stumbled upon what worked miracles for me which I will talk about later in this post. First though, there are several ways you may improve depression and feel better without pharmaceuticals. I think it’s encouraging there are natural ways to combat chronic depression, including: Exercise regularly: Physical activity can boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Moving just helps you feel better. In fact, regular physical activity…
Digital Detox
Over the past few years, the term ‘digital detox’ has become increasingly popular as people discover the benefits of turning off their electronic devices and just living life with a bit of quiet for a day or two. Doing a digital detox once a week is a fantastic way to restore your mental health and calm your soul. It’s true we live in a digital age, and millions of people are glued to their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. The other day I was noticing in the grocery store how many people were talking on their cell phones while pushing their carts through the aisles. I also noticed how they…
Brain Health and Vitamin B9
Brain Health and Vitamin B9 I just read a fascinating article on LinkedIn about brain health and vitamin B9 and felt compelled to share it with you immediately. A little personal background…Brain health is front and center as a concern for me as my mother suffered with vascular dementia and my father had the version of delusional dementia associated with Parkinsons Disease. In this article, titled, “One Nutrient Benefits Alzheimer’s”, Dr. Mike Greenberg sites a study done with nuns, brains and folic acid, also known as vitamin B9. It’s a quick but fascinating read. He writes: “The most remarkable scientific study done to figure out Alzheimer’s was performed in a…
Fuel Your Brain with Energy and Do Your Body a Favor Too!
What is your fitness philosophy? Are you aware that self development and self improvement really need to include exercise to fuel your brain with energy? Why do you train and exercise? What is it that you hope to achieve by being physically active? Many of us train because we want to look better. Some of us train because we want to be healthier and stave off disease. Others train because they want to perform better at a particular sport or activity they enjoy. I have a different reason for training: I train because I want to change the way I feel and because I want to change my mind set.…