The Power of Gratitude
What is the power of gratitude? You‘ve no doubt heard about the power gratitude has over your life, but you may not fully understand. What does it really mean to be grateful, and what is the power behind it? Before trying to grasp the absolute power of gratitude and what it is, it’s helpful to first understand what it’s not. What Gratitude Isn’t If you think false gratitude is the route to take to get what you want, you are unfortunately not on the right track. False gratitude does not manifest your dreams; it confuses them. What exactly does it mean to have false gratitude? False gratitude happens when you…
Adopt a Positive Mindset
Why What You Think and Learn Matters You may feel stuck at different times in your life and realize you need to make some changes and adopt a positive mindset. It happens to most of us at one time or another. These periods can lead to feelings of helplessness, sadness, irritability and resignation. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety may even be exacerbated during these times. While it can seem impossible to get past how you feel, making a few simple changes may prove to have significant benefit. Taking proactive steps to address your thought patterns and personal development may very well make overcoming slumps seem more achievable.…
Power of Meditation
This is an important subject for me as I’ve recently become very invested in the power of meditation. I’ve been dabbling for a while, but it’s becoming more of a commitment I look forward to on a daily or twice daily basis. It’s a new and wonderful experience for me personally, and so I want to share a bit about it with you. Here’s a question for you. Why is meditation not just a practice but a transformative journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life? Meditation, often misunderstood as a mere moment of silence or a quick fix for stress, holds the potential to reshape your daily experiences, offering…
Conquering Self-Doubt and Cultivating Self-Confidence: A Journey to Soldier On
What about conquering self-doubt? It’s a curious sensation, that feeling of self-doubt. Like an unwelcome shadow, it follows us through life, sometimes hidden, and at other times, overwhelmingly present. Regardless of age, achievement, or background, not one of us is immune. The accomplished author, the passionate artist, the diligent student; each one, at some point, has grappled with the looming question: “Am I good enough?” Unless you’re a total narcissist, I think self-doubt is pretty much a universal experience, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. By understanding its origins and by actively cultivating self-confidence, you can soldier on, transforming your challenges into stepping-stones towards growth. Understanding Self-Doubt…
5 Strategies for Dealing with Your Weaknesses
5 Effective Strategies for Dealing with Your Weaknesses Do you think you have any weaknesses? Silly question, isn’t it? Of course we all do, but if you’re like most of us, you could probably do a much better job of dealing with your weaknesses. Your weaknesses can be a big drag on your life, or they can have minimal impact. It really depends upon the particular weakness and how you deal with it. A weakness doesn’t have to be a hindrance! You can learn to use the techniques I’ll share here to deal with weaknesses in a very strategic manner: Decide if your weakness is relevant. Not all weaknesses are…
Seeing Happiness…Can You Learn To See It?
I’ve been wondering the past few days… If you’re good at being sad, can you get good at being happy? Can you get good at seeing happiness? Looking back at my childhood, I’m aware I learned from my father to look for sadness. He had a very tragic early life with many huge losses no child or young adult should have to bear. I don’t believe he meant to teach me to look for and find sadness, but it happened. I learned my lesson well, and I got very good at finding sadness. Couple that with my predisposition for depression, and it was the perfect storm. I’ve lost all five…
Feeling Blue as Summer Ends?
Feeling blue as summer ends? Understanding seasonal changes and your mental well-being is so important if you begin feeling blue as fall approaches. As summer’s golden days and warm nights begin to wane and the first crisp whispers of fall are felt in the air, many of us begin to feel a subtle shift in our mood; we start feeling blue. This transition from summer to fall, while celebrated for its colorful foliage, pumpkin-spiced treats, and cozy warm sweaters, can also usher in feelings of melancholy for some of us, and that used to include me. Why does the impending fall season cause some of us to feel blue, and…
Self-Talk and Your Blue Mood – 10 Tips to Help!
“Self-talk and your blue mood” is an interesting subject. Everyone has experienced a “blue mood” at some point in their lives. It’s that feeling of sadness, melancholy, or low energy that can show up seemingly out of nowhere. While there are many factors that can contribute to feeling down, one often overlooked aspect is the way we talk to ourselves, known as self-talk. Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, the thoughts and words we use to communicate with ourselves. It turns out self-talk can have a significant impact on our mood, particularly when we’re feeling blue. Negative self-talk in particular, can be detrimental to our mental…
Finding Happiness
I learned to look for sadness, and I learned it from my father. I believe he didn’t intend to have it happen, but he endured many tragedies and sorrows during his lifetime; many of them when he was very young. I’m working on finding happiness these days. It was suggested to me years ago that maybe he was just trying to share his sadness. I can understand that, but I learned my lessons a little too well on this one. As with many of us, awareness comes over time, and finding the courage to deal with your personal or mental reality also comes to you over time. My journey online…
Boost Your Self-Confidence
It’s important to boost your self-confidence! Are you struggling with your confidence? You’re not alone. Many of us strive to have more self-confidence. The truth is it can be difficult to come by at times. You often hold yourself to unreasonably high standards, and this can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. If you can learn how to leverage and strengthen your self-confidence, it’s possible you can generate some excellent outcomes. For instance, self-confidence leads to: Healthier relationships. Confidence doesn’t just influence how you feel about yourself, but it also helps you to understand and appreciate others better too. Better performance. Rather than constantly worrying you’re not good enough,…