Change Your Thoughts
depression,  mindset,  mood and food,  Self Confidence,  self improvement

When You Change Your Thoughts, You Change Your Life

When you change your thoughts, you change your life.

Changing my thoughts is changing my life. I say “is changing” as I am definitely a work in progress. Aren’t we all?

After eating widely (read that as “badly” for me personally) the end of last year, I found myself dealing with feeling very down and depressed again. I was blown away and extremely disappointed as I thought I had slain that dragon!

Because I have learned I have to take responsibility for my mental health, I am back on track with my mindful healthy eating, and I have dramatically increased my focus on a positive mindset.

Why do I share this with you? Because I believe you can make positive changes too, and I accept the challenge to help you do just that.

Your mind is powerful, and you can control much of your life by managing your thoughts. I continuously practice replacing limiting beliefs with positive thoughts and visualizations of success.


Do you understand the thoughts you carry in your mind affect every area of your life?

Here are some suggestions for you to mull over and consider every day.

Let go of the past, forgive yourself and others, and try to recognize when you have a negative thought pattern. Observe the thoughts that come up, and then redirect and reframe them to a more positive outcome.

You can improve your mood by carefully selecting positive thoughts about what you want and need in life. Believe it is possible, see it in your mind, and know it can become your reality.

Living in the knowledge you can succeed as long as you stay focused on positive thinking helps you build up your confidence.


When you face challenges or feel stress, remind yourself that this too shall pass, and it’s a temporary feeling. Tell yourself you can handle it, and it will be okay. Keep working on your positive thinking to help cope with pressure. Keep reminding yourself to change your thoughts.

Know you are capable of achieving the things you set your mind to do.


Seek validation from yourself. Give yourself love and speak to yourself kindly. Be gracious in accepting compliments from friends and family, and feel confident knowing you are right to receive this positive feedback.


Some Self-Reflection Questions for You to Consider:

  1. Where should I focus on improving to positively affect my mindset?
  2. How do I practice giving myself validation?
  3. What tools can I use to provide myself with a positive mental attitude?


A couple of suggestions for you to practice daily:

Smile! Believe it or not, even when you are feeling really down, even a forced smile helps you feel better. The simple act of smiling, whether you feel happy or not, can increase levels of dopamine and serotonin which are feel good hormones.

Try setting your timer on your phone or your watch for every two hours to remind yourself to stop and smile. I know it may sound weird, but take it from someone who has dealt with depression most of her life… it works!

Another suggestion is to set reminders to speak positively to yourself. It may be as simple as “you’re doing a good job today” to “I can do anything I make up my mind to do” and more. Again, set up a series of reminders on your phone or watch.

These “tricks” do work. They’re working for me, and I do them every. single. day.

It’s important to commit to improving your own self talk. If you’re not nice to yourself, how can you expect others to treat you well?

Now go set up those reminders, change your thoughts and do yourself a favor and SMILE!

Helping You Achieve Major Wellness!


Cheryl A Major, CNWC

Cheryl A Major, CNWC

I’m author, health coach, and entrepreneur Cheryl A Major, and I would love to connect with you. If you’re new to the world of creating a better mindset for yourself, please check out my training on how to do just that at Embrace Optimism. Learn how to improve your mindset and create a happier and more positive life for yourself and those around you.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter so you won’t miss my daily postings for health, wellness and mindset!





  • Beth Manteuffel

    Great advice! Yes, what power lies in our thoughts and our smiles! 🙂 I have found that as I practice awareness of my thoughts over time it does get easier to get back to a state of contentment.

    • Cheryl Major

      Beth, I think “practice” is an important word in this discussion. We have to be always vigilant as to what dance our minds are doing. Happy dance or not so much. Thank you so much for your comment! Cheryl

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