self improvement

6 Simple Tricks for Dealing with Pressure

Dealing with Pressure6 Simple Tricks for Dealing with Pressure

Anyone feeling the pressure lately? Stress anyone? If you aren’t careful, pressure can sneak up and overwhelm you. Before you know it, you’re a mess. Sitting in your chair sweating, with your heart racing, dreading the thought of doing any work and facing today and tomorrow. Fortunately there are some things you can do to help manage pressure when you feel overwhelmed. With a little practice, you may even be able to turn nerve-wracking stress into pure motivation!

Count Backwards

It sounds simple, but counting backwards from 100 is a great way to distract yourself from pressure and reset yourself. This easy trick is the perfect way to get started doing a task that you’ve been putting off. Simply sit back, close your eyes, and count backwards thinking only of the numbers instead of what is stressing you out.


Meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress. Clearing your mind from all thought and concentrating on your breathing leaves no room in your head to fixate and focus on what’s bothering you. Learning to meditate is one of the best ways to beat chronic stress and overwhelming pressure. If you’re not an expert at meditation, just try to clear your mind and focus on your breathing for a couple of minutes. Sure, your mind will wander if you’re not a yogi yet, but believe it or not, just pulling your mind back to focus on your breathing will help.


Nothing works like exercise when it comes to dealing with pressure. Not only does the act itself take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out, it also helps your brain release positive endorphins that can make you feel great. People who exercise regularly report feeling less stress and pressure at work and at home.

Believe in Yourself

I’ve been talking and writing about this one a lot lately, and people have responded so positively. Positive thinking can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. The simple act of believing in yourself and knowing that you’re doing your best is a great way to turn pressure into motivation. The next time you’re feeling overwhelming pressure, tell yourself that you can do it. Whatever tasks lie before you, think positively about them, break them down into smaller more doable tasks and envision yourself completing them.

Enjoy What You Do

It never hurts to enjoy what you do. When dealing with pressure, if the overall task is not one you love, find little things in the task that you like doing and complete them. Often the hardest part is just getting started. You’ll probably find that once you start working you’re motivated to keep going.

Stand Up and Take a Break

If nothing else is working, stand up and take a break. Taking five minutes for yourself every half hour or hour is a great way to reset and refocus on the task at hand. People who stand up and stretch their legs get more done than those who sit at their desk worrying over the task at hand. Set your phone for twenty-five minutes and then take a five minute break before getting back to work. Knowing a break is your reward often motivates us to get more done during that twenty-five minute work sprint!

I invite you to subscribe to my new podcast “Major Health Tips in Digestible Bites”.  I’ll be dropping another edition this week, so check out the great information that’s free for you to listen to anytime, anywhere!

Helping You Achieve Major Wellness!

Cheryl A Major, CNWC

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I don’t just teach this; I live it!

Cheryl A Major, CNWC






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