Power of Meditation
This is an important subject for me as I’ve recently become very invested in the power of meditation. I’ve been dabbling for a while, but it’s becoming more of a commitment I look forward to on a daily or twice daily basis. It’s a new and wonderful experience for me personally, and so I want to share a bit about it with you. Here’s a question for you. Why is meditation not just a practice but a transformative journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life? Meditation, often misunderstood as a mere moment of silence or a quick fix for stress, holds the potential to reshape your daily experiences, offering…
Self-Talk and Your Blue Mood – 10 Tips to Help!
“Self-talk and your blue mood” is an interesting subject. Everyone has experienced a “blue mood” at some point in their lives. It’s that feeling of sadness, melancholy, or low energy that can show up seemingly out of nowhere. While there are many factors that can contribute to feeling down, one often overlooked aspect is the way we talk to ourselves, known as self-talk. Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, the thoughts and words we use to communicate with ourselves. It turns out self-talk can have a significant impact on our mood, particularly when we’re feeling blue. Negative self-talk in particular, can be detrimental to our mental…
4 Ways Introverts Can Enjoy More Social Confidence
Social confidence is important for building relationships. This is true of the introvert, the extrovert and the average person who is somewhere between those two ends of the personality spectrum. It’s possible to enjoy a much more successful career when you have powerful social skills. Your personal relationships benefit greatly. The person who’s confident when interacting with others has a high level of self-esteem. They enjoy a powerful self-belief that they are capable when they find themselves in social situations. This is not to say introverts don’t live wonderful, rewarding lives. They simply have a view of their best life that’s different from an extroverted person. By the way, it’s…
Limiting Beliefs and Self Confidence
It’s just a fact that holding onto limiting beliefs negatively impacts your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It’s helpful to look at the following list of limiting beliefs and then work toward replacing them with empowering ones. Treat yourself kindly and learn to reframe the things you say to yourself. How you speak to yourself has a huge effect, either negative or positive, on your future! Always be mindful of limiting beliefs and self-confidence. Here’s one example: “I’ll never be able to learn this because I’m not smart enough” is better as “It may take some extra time, but I’ll find a way to learn the things I need to learn…
Digital Detox
Over the past few years, the term ‘digital detox’ has become increasingly popular as people discover the benefits of turning off their electronic devices and just living life with a bit of quiet for a day or two. Doing a digital detox once a week is a fantastic way to restore your mental health and calm your soul. It’s true we live in a digital age, and millions of people are glued to their mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. The other day I was noticing in the grocery store how many people were talking on their cell phones while pushing their carts through the aisles. I also noticed how they…
Discover Your Purpose
To discover your purpose and calling in life is a thought-driven process. To discover your purpose, it’s important to simplify things and dig down to get to your authentic self. The key to doing that is to ask yourself questions that help you discover or re-discover who you really are. We often wear masks when we’re out in the world, and we never get in touch with who we really are. The mask we wear may be all we know… and we act and think as we believe we should. By digging deep and asking yourself the questions that matter, you’ll discover what it is you truly want in life.…
How Does Positive Thinking Reduce Stress?
How Does Positive Thinking Reduce Stress? You’ve heard positive thinking can have an amazingly powerful effect on your life, but maybe you’re not buying into all that “good thoughts” power stuff. You need proof. Exactly how does positive thinking reduce stress? What really happens inside your body when you adopt a positive as opposed to negative way of thinking? Let’s take a look at positive thinking and stress. The Mayo Clinic reports that using positive thinking as a stress management tool can lead to the following benefits: You live longer Instances of depression and anxiety are reduced Your natural defense system is boosted You do not catch as many colds…
Do You Live with Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Do you find you feel a less energetic during the fall and winter months? If so, you may be living with seasonal affective disorder. I know I used to really feel differently then. I remember being at home when I was growing up. Yes, I was very young when I began to experience it. In my bedroom, the light changed, the shadows were different…longer. I just didn’t feel great. I struggled with depression from the age of twelve until several years ago when I changed my eating lifestyle and gave myself a new lease on life. During these past few years, I occasionally still notice I can feel a bit off…
Get Out of a Rut and Start Fresh!
Here are 5 tips to help you get out of a rut and start fresh! Do you feel like life has become predictable, unfulfilling, and boring? Maybe it’s time for a fresh start. Deciding to make a change doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down, but it is an opportunity to stand back and make some adjustments! Whether it’s a lifestyle, location, or career change, there are some simple things you can do right now to get yourself out of your rut and get some positive energy back into your life. Journal About What Makes You Happy Have you ever sat down and ruminated about what makes…
How to Embrace Optimism
How to Embrace Optimism Let’s talk about how to embrace optimism. These days, it can be a hard to believe in and to embrace optimism. It’s important to remember we always have choices when it comes to how we think, how we feel, what we choose to “feed our heads”. First though, I want to tell you a story. I want to tell you a story about a young girl. It’s not a happy story, although the ending is a good surprise. This young girl became sad and depressed at the age of twelve and lived that way for many years. She couldn’t be joyful and optimistic. When her peers…