The Power of Gratitude
self improvement

The Power of Gratitude

What is the power of gratitude?

You‘ve no doubt heard about the power gratitude has over your life, but you may not fully understand. What does it really mean to be grateful, and what is the power behind it? Before trying to grasp the absolute power of gratitude and what it is, it’s helpful to first understand what it’s not.

What Gratitude Isn’t

If you think false gratitude is the route to take to get what you want, you are unfortunately not on the right track. False gratitude does not manifest your dreams; it confuses them. What exactly does it mean to have false gratitude?

False gratitude happens when you walk around pretending to be grateful when instead, you’re really seething, bitter or angry. A perfect example is feigning happiness for an ex who’s getting remarried or for a co-worker who got that promotion you wanted so badly. Rather than take your frustrations out and send negative energy everyone else’s way, take a moment to recreate that negative vibe you’re harboring.

When you recreate the negative vibe, you actually attract more positivity toward you. It’s perfectly fine to be disappointed, remorseful and even a little jealous. Acknowledge it, accept how you feel, but don’t stay there with those negative emotions too long.

Where Gratitude Shows Up

When you’re pretending to be grateful without genuinely recreating the positive emotions gratitude should evoke, your body won’t be fooled. True gratitude arises from an authentic emotional connection, and when that connection is absent, the body tends to hold on to the underlying negative emotions. These unacknowledged feelings—whether they stem from anger, resentment, or sadness—don’t simply disappear. Instead, they are stored in your body, often leading to stress and physical discomfort over time.

If this pattern continues unchecked, it can have tangible consequences on your health. Prolonged emotional suppression and unresolved negativity can strain your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to illnesses. You might notice early warning signs like stomach discomfort, headaches, or fatigue—symptoms that often signal stress’s impact on your body. In more extreme cases, chronic emotional misalignment may even contribute to serious illnesses, such as digestive disorders or autoimmune conditions.

A common example is the onset of a cold or digestive upset following a particularly stressful or emotionally charged period. When your emotions are misaligned with your outward actions, such as pretending to feel gratitude, your nervous system may remain in a state of tension. This tension triggers a cascade of stress hormones that can disrupt your body’s natural balance.

True gratitude requires aligning your thoughts and emotions, finding moments of genuine appreciation, and allowing yourself to process underlying feelings. By doing so, you can experience the profound mental and physical benefits that come with authentic gratitude; benefits like improved immune function, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being.

How to Use the Power of Gratitude

When you learn about the power of gratitude and more specifically begin to practice gratitude on a genuine level, that’s when the magic of manifesting really begins to show up. The key word here is genuine. Get in touch with something for which you are truly grateful. It could be an incident from many years ago; it could be the rain. Whatever it is, find your own true authentic feelings of gratitude.

Now, focus on those feelings. Close your eyes and visualize why you are grateful. If you are grateful for the rain, why are you grateful? Picture the grass growing greener, visualize the flowers blooming. Picture yourself drinking water on a hot, humid summer day.

Once you begin to focus on why you are grateful and you begin to expand upon that feeling, you’ll notice you are more aware of what you are grateful for in other areas of your life as well. It takes some practice, so be patient with yourself. It’s just the same process as building a muscle; it takes practice! You’re starting to develop a new habit, and new habits most often take practice and take time to form before they come more naturally.

Next, try to find gratitude in a situation that is seemingly negative. For example, if you have a partner or a parent who asks too many questions, could you reframe that into being grateful for that person who really does care so much about you?

While the behavior might be annoying, becoming aware of and acknowledging the underlying message is one of unconditional love will go a long way toward toning down your annoyance and allowing you to feel grateful for the care being given toward you.

Once you open yourself up to the true power of real gratitude, you can create endless possibilities for yourself in your life!

Helping You Achieve Major Wellness!


Cheryl A Major, CNWC

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I’m author, health coach, and entrepreneur Cheryl A Major, and I would love to connect with you! If you’re new to the world of creating better health, both mental and physical for yourself, please check out my training on how to get gluten out of your diet. Becoming Gluten Free Me is where to check it out. Learn how gluten affects us and how to go about reducing or eliminating it from your diet. You don’t have to suffer with Celiac Disease to benefit from getting gluten out of your life!

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