Have a Vision… Not a Goal! You can set goals from your vision to move you ahead.
Have a Vision… Not a Goal!
If you want to accomplish as much as you possibly can, the most important thing to get right is the vision or goal you have to begin with. This is essentially the same as setting your trajectory; without a trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of hitting your target. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to correctly write or set goals, and this can prevent them from having any chance of success in their chosen field. You need to have a vision…not a goal!
Actually, if you’re sitting down to write a goal, then you’re starting out with the wrong intent to begin with. This is because goals really aren’t as useful as visions – and the concept of a “vision” is what we’re going to explore here.
The Difference Between a Goal and a Vision
So what is the difference between a goal and a vision? Essentially, a goal is something that you write down that is very concrete and simple. A goal may for example be to ‘lose ten pounds in two months’. That’s a goal, but it’s also not as effective as a vision designed to achieve the same result.
This same ambition framed as a vision rather than a goal would instead be more of an idea or vision of being in shape. You might visualize yourself looking very toned and feeling healthy. You might imagine yourself going for jogs on the beach in the summer and feeling great about yourself and about how you look. That’s your vision.
A vision can also be an image of yourself standing in a high rise office, looking out over the world, and knowing you’re in a position of great importance and power. This is a much more abstract concept that nevertheless helps you to get a picture of what you want and what the emotion behind that goal is.
Why Visions Work Better Than Goals
Why are visions more successful than goals? For one thing, goals are not nearly flexible enough. If you have a goal, it gives you one specific thing you’re trying accomplish and only one idea of how to get there. If your efforts don’t go according to plan, then with a vision, you have the freedom to change the steps you’re going to take to get there… that is, to bend them to fit your current lifestyle, plans and free time for instance.
Another reason visions work better is because they have more emotional content. When you visualize something, the same regions fire in your brain as though it were actually happening. This means that you can actually trigger the emotion you will feel when you do create the vision as your reality. It’s this emotion we can use to motivate ourselves to move ahead with our plans and support our visions!
Having vision is so important! Once you have your vision established, you can then set goals to achieve your vision. Get yourself a vision board, and start pinning photos of things you want to achieve and have in your life. It will get you moving toward the things and events in your life you truly want to experience in your “now”.
Be Your Best You!
Cheryl A Major
Copyright: <a href=’http://www.123rf.com/profile_trueffelpix’>trueffelpix / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
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