finding humor in life

Happy Festivus! Do you Celebrate it?

22780614 - happy festivusI Want to Wish You Happy Festivus!

Did you know today is Festivus Day?  It is, and for your enjoyment, I’m going to give you a link to the Seinfeld episode that shows the great scene with Frank Costanza (Jerry Stiller) that brought the holiday of Festivus to us all.

No matter what holidays you do or do not celebrate, humor and the ability to laugh at ourselves is so important.  The back story on how Festivus came to be is pretty cool, too, and you can read about it here. I had no idea how it came to be…

Seinfeld was such a classic, and it’s always good for at least a chuckle or more often a good belly laugh!  Get your endorphins going with some comedy this morning and with this clip from the episode that introduced Festivus to the world!

Become Your Best You!

Cheryl A Major, CNWC

Cheryl A Major

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