Ways to Deal with Critical People
Constructive criticism is fine, but some people are so relentlessly negative they can suck the joy out of life. No matter what happy news you might have, they are guaranteed to find the cloud to fit your silver lining. Here are a few ways to deal with critical people. Here are 6 strategies you can use to deal with hypercritical people. Don’t Take It Personally Until you find out otherwise, assume it’s not you; it’s them. Some people just love being negative and surround themselves with it on a daily basis. It colors their view of the world. They criticize everything because that’s the way they go through life. While…
Discover Your Purpose
To discover your purpose and calling in life is a thought-driven process. To discover your purpose, it’s important to simplify things and dig down to get to your authentic self. The key to doing that is to ask yourself questions that help you discover or re-discover who you really are. We often wear masks when we’re out in the world, and we never get in touch with who we really are. The mask we wear may be all we know… and we act and think as we believe we should. By digging deep and asking yourself the questions that matter, you’ll discover what it is you truly want in life.…
How Does Positive Thinking Reduce Stress?
How Does Positive Thinking Reduce Stress? You’ve heard positive thinking can have an amazingly powerful effect on your life, but maybe you’re not buying into all that “good thoughts” power stuff. You need proof. Exactly how does positive thinking reduce stress? What really happens inside your body when you adopt a positive as opposed to negative way of thinking? Let’s take a look at positive thinking and stress. The Mayo Clinic reports that using positive thinking as a stress management tool can lead to the following benefits: You live longer Instances of depression and anxiety are reduced Your natural defense system is boosted You do not catch as many colds…
Five Ways To Boost Productivity
If you often feel there is more you should be doing but you just can’t seem to get it done, you’re certainly not alone! Whether it’s in the workplace or at home, a low level of productivity may be the result of a number of factors. What follows below is a list of five ways to boost productivity. One or more of them may make a big difference for you. Divide Your Tasks Sometimes, when you know you should be working but find yourself procrastinating instead, it could be because you are feeling overwhelmed by the work ahead of you. You can help turn down the temperature on these feelings…
Do You Live with Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Do you find you feel a less energetic during the fall and winter months? If so, you may be living with seasonal affective disorder. I know I used to really feel differently then. I remember being at home when I was growing up. Yes, I was very young when I began to experience it. In my bedroom, the light changed, the shadows were different…longer. I just didn’t feel great. I struggled with depression from the age of twelve until several years ago when I changed my eating lifestyle and gave myself a new lease on life. During these past few years, I occasionally still notice I can feel a bit off…
Get Out of a Rut and Start Fresh!
Here are 5 tips to help you get out of a rut and start fresh! Do you feel like life has become predictable, unfulfilling, and boring? Maybe it’s time for a fresh start. Deciding to make a change doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down, but it is an opportunity to stand back and make some adjustments! Whether it’s a lifestyle, location, or career change, there are some simple things you can do right now to get yourself out of your rut and get some positive energy back into your life. Journal About What Makes You Happy Have you ever sat down and ruminated about what makes…
Habits to Improve Your Health and Well-Being
Habits to Improve Your Health and Well-Being What is a habit? What do you think of when you hear the words “habits to improve your health”? If you’re like most people, you may very well hear the word habit and associate something negative with it. Smoking, overeating, and always being late, for instance, are negative habits. However, habits can and do show up as something positive in your life. A habit doesn’t have to have negative connotations. Many people, in addition to thinking habits are bad, also think breaking old habit and replacing them with new habits is painful. This does not have to be the case. Let’s look at…
Adjust Your Sails
Adjust Your Sails in Challenging Times “When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails,” is a quote from inspirational writer, H. Jackson Brown, Jr. It’s a quote that has depth and meaning if there are things going on in your life that you can’t control. Right now, that’s true for most of us. The only things you can change are those over which you have control. It follows that you need to find a way to get on with your life (adjust your sails) and look to the future rather than spending more time spinning your wheels on what’s not working. If a sailor knows…
Turn Worry into Excitement
7 Ways to Turn Worry into Excitement about Getting Things Done Everybody worries sometimes; the challenge is to turn worry into excitement. Right now, a lot of people are worried about a lot of things, and you probably have a few worries on your own mind. You might be thinking about work and finances or about a relationship causing you trouble. Maybe you’re worried about your health and staying well during these challenging times. Whatever the case, worry happens whether you intend it to or not. While worry is a pretty common thing, it becomes a problem when it begins to take over your life and consume your thinking. What…
6 Simple Tricks for Dealing with Pressure
6 Simple Tricks for Dealing with Pressure Anyone feeling the pressure lately? Stress anyone? If you aren’t careful, pressure can sneak up and overwhelm you. Before you know it, you’re a mess. Sitting in your chair sweating, with your heart racing, dreading the thought of doing any work and facing today and tomorrow. Fortunately there are some things you can do to help manage pressure when you feel overwhelmed. With a little practice, you may even be able to turn nerve-wracking stress into pure motivation! Count Backwards It sounds simple, but counting backwards from 100 is a great way to distract yourself from pressure and reset yourself. This easy trick…