6 Ways to Kick Negative Thoughts to the Curb
None of us really wants to have negative thoughts, but we all seem to deal with them at some point. Whether the negative thoughts are about yourself, the things you’re doing, your job or other people, sometimes it’s really hard to get rid of negative thoughts once they take up residence your mind. Here are some techniques you can use to help stop negative thoughts.
Practice actively stopping negative thoughts – If you feel that you’re about to start thinking negatively, stop the thoughts before they have a chance to really kick in and take over. If you’ve already started thinking negatively, actively change the thoughts to positive ones. I know, I know…it’s easier said than done. However, the more you practice this, the less you’ll find yourself thinking negatively.
Focus on the positive – Even if you don’t have any negative thoughts at the moment, you can help keep them away by focusing on the positive things in your world. Throughout the day, think about the things you like about yourself and about your life.
Do things that boost your confidence – Whether it’s the confidence you feel about your own self or the confidence to do new and different things, building on your own self confidence is always a great thing. Go out of your way to do things that will take you out of your comfort zone and will give your self-esteem a boost.
Spend time with positive people – The people you hang around with have a big effect on the way you feel about life in general. If you surround yourself with people who are consistently negative and complaining, it’s in the wood you will start to feel negative about more things. If you spend time with positive people, you will feel more positive about your life in general. Choose your friends and companions wisely.

Meditate regularly – Meditating regularly gives you the chance to slow things down. breathe and think about your life. Giving yourself this time each day, or even a couple of times a week, will help you promote positive thoughts and tamp down any negative thoughts which you might be holding onto.
Try talking therapy – People are often put off by the word ‘therapy’, but talking therapy is a great way to let go of any negative thoughts and get some things off your chest. While counsellors will offer this service to you, many people like to get a form of talking therapy from friends and family. If there is someone you trust, ask them to chat with you over a cup of coffee while you share some problems and negative thoughts you’ve been having.
Here’s a bonus suggestion for you. One of my favorite tricks when I’m stressed out and dealing with negative thoughts that just won’t go away is to make an appointment with myself to deal with the issues/thoughts. For instance, I’ll tell myself, “I’ll deal with these thoughts tomorrow at 9:00 am”. What this does for me is not to try to eliminate them which, if they’re being stubborn is hard, but it does help my mind let go of them at least temporarily. Sometimes just this one simple trick will help you get a good night’s sleep. That in itself is an accomplishment and may very well help you sort out the problem or issue in the morning during your 9:00 am appointment with yourself.
While we all deal with negative thoughts at one time or another, it’s really important not to let them become our “best worst friends” if you know what I mean.
Helping You Achieve Major Wellness!
Cheryl A Major, CNWC
I’m author, health coach, and entrepreneur Cheryl A Major, and I would love to connect with you. If you’re new to the world of creating a better mindset for yourself, please check out my training on how to do just that at Embrace Optimism. Learn how to improve your mindset and create a happier and more positive life for yourself and those around you.
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