Feeling Blue as Summer Ends?
Feeling blue as summer ends? Understanding seasonal changes and your mental well-being is so important if you begin feeling blue as fall approaches. As summer’s golden days and warm nights begin to wane and the first crisp whispers of fall are felt in the air, many of us begin to feel a subtle shift in our mood; we start feeling blue. This transition from summer to fall, while celebrated for its colorful foliage, pumpkin-spiced treats, and cozy warm sweaters, can also usher in feelings of melancholy for some of us, and that used to include me. Why does the impending fall season cause some of us to feel blue, and…
Self-Talk and Your Blue Mood – 10 Tips to Help!
“Self-talk and your blue mood” is an interesting subject. Everyone has experienced a “blue mood” at some point in their lives. It’s that feeling of sadness, melancholy, or low energy that can show up seemingly out of nowhere. While there are many factors that can contribute to feeling down, one often overlooked aspect is the way we talk to ourselves, known as self-talk. Self-talk refers to the internal dialogue we have with ourselves, the thoughts and words we use to communicate with ourselves. It turns out self-talk can have a significant impact on our mood, particularly when we’re feeling blue. Negative self-talk in particular, can be detrimental to our mental…
Finding Happiness
I learned to look for sadness, and I learned it from my father. I believe he didn’t intend to have it happen, but he endured many tragedies and sorrows during his lifetime; many of them when he was very young. I’m working on finding happiness these days. It was suggested to me years ago that maybe he was just trying to share his sadness. I can understand that, but I learned my lessons a little too well on this one. As with many of us, awareness comes over time, and finding the courage to deal with your personal or mental reality also comes to you over time. My journey online…
Boost Your Self-Confidence
It’s important to boost your self-confidence! Are you struggling with your confidence? You’re not alone. Many of us strive to have more self-confidence. The truth is it can be difficult to come by at times. You often hold yourself to unreasonably high standards, and this can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. If you can learn how to leverage and strengthen your self-confidence, it’s possible you can generate some excellent outcomes. For instance, self-confidence leads to: Healthier relationships. Confidence doesn’t just influence how you feel about yourself, but it also helps you to understand and appreciate others better too. Better performance. Rather than constantly worrying you’re not good enough,…
When You Change Your Thoughts, You Change Your Life
When you change your thoughts, you change your life. Changing my thoughts is changing my life. I say “is changing” as I am definitely a work in progress. Aren’t we all? After eating widely (read that as “badly” for me personally) the end of last year, I found myself dealing with feeling very down and depressed again. I was blown away and extremely disappointed as I thought I had slain that dragon! Because I have learned I have to take responsibility for my mental health, I am back on track with my mindful healthy eating, and I have dramatically increased my focus on a positive mindset. Why do I share…
Natural Depression Help
Being a recovering depressed person, I’ve read and researched a ton about natural depression help and how to improve my mental health and my mood naturally. Full disclosure, I was on and off antidepressants for years including prosac, zoloft and paxil before I stumbled upon what worked miracles for me which I will talk about later in this post. First though, there are several ways you may improve depression and feel better without pharmaceuticals. I think it’s encouraging there are natural ways to combat chronic depression, including: Exercise regularly: Physical activity can boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Moving just helps you feel better. In fact, regular physical activity…
Fear of Prediabetes
Is prediabetes scaring you to death? about your future? If the prospect of becoming a full-blown insulin-dependent diabetic scares you, believe it or not, that’s a good thing; you should be afraid! It’s an even better thing if you use your fear of prediabetes to motivate you to take steps to pull yourself back from a diagnosis of prediabetes. When you get your diagnosis, you’re standing on the threshold of what could be the beginning of the end for you or the beginning of a new life. It can be turned around. We did it for my husband Rob about nine years ago, and I’ve played a part in helping…
Success Isn’t Luck
Success Isn’t Luck; It’s You! Do you have feelings or worries your co-workers or friends will think you’re a fraud? Do you often feel as though you don’t belong? Success isn’t luck, and these are feelings of “impostor syndrome”. A surprising number of successful people experience this in their lives. Impostor syndrome can cause you to feel you only accomplished your goals because of luck. Perhaps you think you aren’t as good as others think you are, and so you also worry you’ll be found out. Research shows us both men and women battle impostor syndrome and are unable to acknowledge, own and enjoy their success. What Is Impostor…
Make Meaningful Connections
The world health organization (WHO) reports a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide as a result of the pandemic. You may think we are out of it, but not everyone has fully recovered or is able to be out in the world as they were before. Much of the increase in depression is attributed to social isolation and loneliness. The impact has been especially strong on young adults and women. However, this presents an opportunity as well. Anytime you’re dealing with major changes, you have a chance to develop new habits. Here are some suggestions to help you make meaningful connections. Making Meaningful Connections Off-Line Try these tips for…
4 Ways Introverts Can Enjoy More Social Confidence
Social confidence is important for building relationships. This is true of the introvert, the extrovert and the average person who is somewhere between those two ends of the personality spectrum. It’s possible to enjoy a much more successful career when you have powerful social skills. Your personal relationships benefit greatly. The person who’s confident when interacting with others has a high level of self-esteem. They enjoy a powerful self-belief that they are capable when they find themselves in social situations. This is not to say introverts don’t live wonderful, rewarding lives. They simply have a view of their best life that’s different from an extroverted person. By the way, it’s…